Multiparameter probe

  • Established on 5 continents
  • More than 20 sensors
  • Energy efficient digital sensors
  • Sensors compatible with our transmitters, portable devices, loggers

Discover the state-of-the-art solution for online or portable water quality monitoring with Aqualabo’s Tripod digital multi-parameter probe. The Tripod is an advanced platform designed to measure several physico-chemical parameters simultaneously. Customize your equipment and select three desired sensors available to measure among the following parameters: pH, ORP, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, conductivity, salinity, and TDS.

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A flexible digital multiparameter probe

Our multiparameter probes TRIPOD can be integrated on any system offering an RS485 or SDI12 input and on our transmitters, portable equipment or datalogger.

Capteur Sonde multiparamètres

Multiparameter probe

Our Tripod, a multi-parameter digital probe with robust sensors, is ready to be deployed to measure physico-chemical parameters and monitor water quality.

Why a multiparameter probe like the Tripod is useful for water monitoring?

A multi-parameter probe is a valuable tool for water quality monitoring, offering several advantages that contribute to comprehensive and efficient environmental assessments. You can simultaneously measure multiple water quality parameters such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and conductivity. This comprehensive data collection provides a holistic view of water health and allows for a more accurate assessment. The ability to monitor multiple physicochemical parameters in real time is critical to quickly identifying changes in water quality. Real-time data facilitates prompt decision making and timely response to emerging environmental issues or pollution events. A digital probe such as our Tripod also allows for easy integration through open communication protocols. The use of ultra-low power sensors makes it a perfect solution for stand-alone or battery-powered systems in remote areas.

Main applications of the Tripod in water monitoring

The Tripod is an excellent choice for monitoring rivers, lakes, ponds, and other bodies of surface water. It provides real-time data that gives insight into the overall health of aquatic ecosystems. It’s a perfect solution for aquaculture and fisheries management by monitoring parameters critical to the health of fish, shrimp, and aquatic organisms, including dissolved oxygen levels, salinity, temperature, and pH. It is also useful in drinking water systems to monitor reservoirs or water resources and detect any fluctuations that could affect water treatment processes. Combined with a dedicated flow cell, the multiparameter Tripod is ideal for subterranean water monitoring while performing low-flow sampling of groundwater in wells and boreholes. Finally, it can play a critical role in assessing the effectiveness of wastewater treatment processes for both urban and industrial applications.

Measurement principles and technology of our multi parameter Tripod for water analysis

The Tripod incorporates our DIGISENS intelligent digital sensors, each of which uses the most advanced measurement technology currently available to suit its specific parameters. We use proven, validated measurement methods that comply with international standards such as ISO or ASTM, contributing to best practices in water quality measurement.

What makes the Tripod a convenient and versatile multiparameter sonde and a trustworthy one?

Easy to use and reliable, Aqualabo’s Tripod is your essential multi-parameter control instrument. Several advantages stand out, such as its communication possibilities with the open Modbus R485 and SDI12 protocols, which guarantee compatibility with third party equipment and easy integration. Thanks to the pre-amplification and advanced digital signal processing of its sensors, it is resistant to interference and guarantees extremely reliable measurements even in the most difficult conditions. The ultra-low power probes are ideal in situations where power supply is an issue. Last but not least, the possibility of combining the Tripod with a handheld instrument such as the Odeon allows you to use the Tripod as a portable device.

FAQ Multiparemeter probe TRIPOD

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