
  • Established on 5 continents
  • More than 20 sensors
  • Energy efficient digital sensors
  • Manufacturer since 1955

Discover our range of digital sensors suitable for various water quality monitoring applications. Our sturdy, smart and energy-efficient probes are ideal for monitoring natural, surface or underground water, purification processes, drinking water tests and aquaculture/fish farms.

French Design and Manufacture for more than 70 years
Technical Support and Internal Service
Global presence, network of distributors
ISO 9001 certified company

Our sensors specifically designed to test water quality

With more than 75 years of experience, our expertise covers more than 20 different parameters including pH, conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, suspended solids, etc. We provide various types of sensors adapted to each use depending on the application and accuracy requirements.


Discover our precise turbidity measurement devices, suitable for narrow to wide ranges.

Dissolved oxygen

Explore our range of dissolved oxygen sensors for all your applications


Conductivity sensors for the worst type of clogging/fouling conditions


Discover our range of high-performance pH sensors


In-situ ORP measurements


Explore our range of suspended solids sensors calibrated to your effluents

Sludge blanket

For reliable detection of sludge levels in works

Multi-parameter probe

Discover our wide range of multi-parameter probes

What is a digital sensor for water quality?

A water quality digital sensor is an electronic device that measures variables such as pH, conductivity and turbidity. Accurate, real-time monitoring of water resources is achieved by converting data into digital signals, thus facilitating water quality assessment and management.

How can water salinity be calculated using conductivity?

Salinity can be calculated from the electrical conductivity of water by means of the conductivity equation. The relationship between salinity and conductivity depends on various factors, such as temperature. AQUALABO conductivity probes incorporate these formulas to provide accurate salinity measurements.

What are the advantages of our energy-efficient sensors?

An energy-efficient sensor has significant advantages such as long service life, reduced operational costs and suitability for remote installations. This feature also helps integrating into stand-alone systems, minimizing environmental impact and ensuring greater reliability of measurements. In addition, these sensors are in line with using sources of renewable energy. In short, their energy efficiency offers sustainable, economical and reliable options for a variety of applications.

Digital sensors FAQ

To calibrate a water quality sensor, prepare known-value buffer solutions. Immerse the probe in a buffer solution and adjust the sensor according to the reading obtained. Repeat with different buffer solutions for multipoint calibration if required, covering the expected measurement range in water. This process ensures accurate measurement of the monitored variable, which is crucial to ensuring water quality in various situations such as treatment plants, laboratories or environmental monitoring systems. Repeat the calibration regularly for reliable results.

Optimized sensor installation ensures reliable measurements, protects the device and ensures maximum service life. Place the sensor in the water flow, without touching the walls or bottom of the site. Our comprehensive range of sensor upkeep accessories helps in the context of extensive installations, whether natural water (rivers, lakes), open ponds, or even plastic or stainless steel pipes. This ensures optimum sensor performance in various aquatic environments.

Turbidity and SS (Suspended Solids) are related when assessing water quality. In general, an increase in turbidity relates to an increase in SS, indicating a higher concentration of suspended particles. However, the relationship may vary depending on the properties of the particles. Turbidity measures the scattering of light, while SS measures the total amount of particles, regardless of their size. These two parameters are often used together for a more comprehensive assessment of water quality.

Measuring oxygen levels in water is critical to assessing the health of aquatic ecosystems. It indicates the availability of oxygen essential to aquatic life. Inadequate levels may lead to the asphyxiation of aquatic organisms. This is measurement is vital in aquaculture, wastewater management and environmental studies. It prevents the deterioration of water quality, anticipates ecological problems and ensures the sustainability of aquatic ecosystems, thereby affecting human health and economic activities.

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